Go Get Some Fresh Air

Have you ever been told ‘go get some fresh air’ or perhaps ‘go take a walk’!  Meaning, you need to step away, calm down, get control over yourself…

The past 6 days I’ve been sitting in the house with a sick kid.  Bored to tears.  Actually not to tears, I was too bored to even muster up a cry.  To make it worse he got sick on Christmas so Christmas Day was a bust and looks like New Year’s Eve will be too.  I like time alone but realized over the past 6 days time alone, but not really alone trying to manage the physical and emotional well-being of a sick, disappointed kid who is too ill to really DO anything with you gives you LOTS of time to think of ALL your problems, your disappointments, and your fears. 

I like to escape from people…read a great book…chill.  But I realized in 6 days of isolation that escaping from people requires well having been around people!

Funny I didn’t really realize this during COVID.  Luckily I had a full family living in my house and kids around.  They weren’t sick, nor was I, so while it was challenging to find new things to do that were COVID safe we sidewalk chalked, hiked, crafted it up.  It was a scary time but I didn’t feel that mental isolation.

But this week, wow.  It hit hard.

Today, I stepped out for a quick trip to the store to get some valentine’s decorations for my son’s classroom.  The weather is surprisingly warm for January and the sun is shining. 

I rolled the windows down in my Jeep and just drove, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the wind on my face, the warmth of the sun on my arms.  I’d been doing a lot of breath work over the past 6 days but for the first time in 6 days I focused on nothing and breathed in fresh air.  Felt sunlight.  Enjoyed the moment without TRYING to enjoy the moment. 

We have insultingly misused ‘go get some fresh air’.  Getting some fresh air isn’t euphemism for an adult time out, a get yourself together warning.  Go get some fresh air is go free your mind for a moment, feel the sun, BREATH IN FRESH AIR.  Literally.  Breath it into all of your senses. 

It’s healing.  It’s full of hope and peace.

With all my love I beg you – go get some fresh air.


Nia Dara

Great Design Invites Curiosity,

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